Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Working titles

The title of the film is very important, as it not only gives a hint as to what the film is about, but it can single-handedly establish the genre without even a movie poster, and also pique the interest of the audience before they have even watched the film.

Because my film is supernatural and thriller-esque, I wanted potential titles to reflect this, but I also want them to be short, snappy, one-word titles. I went to www.thesaurus.com and typed in the word 'paranormal' to see if I could potentially use any synonyms as a film title.

From this, I found a few words that I could use for the film title:

  • Transcendental
  • Spectral
  • Unearthly
I also thought of a few words that relate to the genre and context of my film, such as:
  • Lurid (shocking, gruesome)
  • Funereal (bleak, depressing)
  • Sepulchral (gloomy, horrifying)
  • Captive
  • Entity

I have decided from this that the most likely titles I will use for my film are either 'Captive' or 'Entity' because they both convey a sense of fear and mystery without being overly-complicated words that the audience may not understand.

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